To read or not to Read

To read or not to Read…That is a nitwit can of worms.
whether it’s freakish in the land to hump the book
the rough end of the pineapple by shallows aches,
by flash as a rat with a gold tooth,or to ride for a fall,
to cut the ribbons of the rocky road to the line ,the patth of least resistance,
Thus,in land of the fair go ,they sit on the fence
and yet thou art there, can never
,yes,never make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
nor a feather in your cap,tough for mens on the Clapham omnibus,
with a wooden nutmeg, by those shallows,kepping us on the dark,
and put damper on pencils and, carry on like a pork chop
that makes plagiarists take a leaf out of egghead’s book
and a lump in the throat ,debars them to hit the jackpot
from the tail wags the dog,and gobdaws talking the hind leg off a donkey
thereby hangs a tale,yes and a fair field and no favour.

Written by Faysal.Er


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