MIND MAP الخريطة الذهنية

MIND MAP الخريطة الذهنية 
Mind maps were developed in the late 60s by Tony Buzan as a way of helping
students make notes that used only key words and images, but mind map can be used by teachers to explain concepts in an innovative way. They are much quicker to make and much easier to remember and review because of their visual quality. The nonlinear nature of mind maps makes it easy to link and cross-reference different elements of the map.
Mind Maps are also very quick to review, as it is easy to refresh information in your mind just by glancing once. Mind Maps can also be effective mnemonics and remembering their shape and structure can provide the cues necessary to remember the information within it. They engage much more of the brain in the process of assimilating and connecting facts than conventional notes.

The key notion behind mind mapping is that we learn and remember more effectively by using the full range of visual and sensory tools at our disposal. Pictures, music, Color, even touch and smell play a part in our learning armory will help to recollect information for a long time. The key is to build up mind maps that make the most of these things building on our own creativity, thinking and cross linking between ideas that exist in our own minds.
As the recent research point that any particular information explained with the help of graph charts make a high impact in the minds of the people and keeping this as the core aspect the teachers may try to picturize the concepts and show the same to the students.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Barely after tying the knot (zawaj),the deficiency of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity between couples might have been undoubtedly a hard nut to crack,which simultaneously steers both Wife and Husband to a nervous breakdown and places them in an awkward position,eventually it might have offended some people ,and it may be the seamy side of life.

What is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?

According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition,this Disorder can be described as:

1-absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity (Criterion A).
2-The disturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B)
3-The dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except another Sexual Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (including medications) or a general medical condition (Criterion C)

Therefore,Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder must be distinguished from Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition. The appropriate diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition when the dysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the physiological effects of a specified general medical condition .
This determination is based on history, laboratory findings, or physical examination.Certain general medical conditions such as neurological, hormonal, and metabolic abnormalities may specifically impair the physiological substrates of sexual desire.
Abnormalities in total and bioavailable testosterone and prolactin may indicate hormonal disorders responsible for loss of sexual desire. If both Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and a general medical condition are present, but it is judged that the sexual dysfunction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the general medical condition, then Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed.

To read or not to Read

To read or not to Read…That is a nitwit can of worms.
whether it’s freakish in the land to hump the book
the rough end of the pineapple by shallows aches,
by flash as a rat with a gold tooth,or to ride for a fall,
to cut the ribbons of the rocky road to the line ,the patth of least resistance,
Thus,in land of the fair go ,they sit on the fence
and yet thou art there, can never
,yes,never make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
nor a feather in your cap,tough for mens on the Clapham omnibus,
with a wooden nutmeg, by those shallows,kepping us on the dark,
and put damper on pencils and, carry on like a pork chop
that makes plagiarists take a leaf out of egghead’s book
and a lump in the throat ,debars them to hit the jackpot
from the tail wags the dog,and gobdaws talking the hind leg off a donkey
thereby hangs a tale,yes and a fair field and no favour.

Written by Faysal.Er


the main instrument of “IQRAE”

I’m really gobsmacked with what can really knocked me down with a feather, when i see some people stewing in their own juice and crying over spilled milk ,instead of speculating on how and when and where and why to re-build the oumma,and persevere at looking up their failurs ,and how to be rooted to the spot,unlike how to recover it instead of snivelling loudly like going white as a shit !i believe that all this bullshits of ignorance and being dump like a cat on hot bricks could never been pitched away of some people’s brain unless they recognize the main instrument of “IQRAE” i mean education foremost of all, and ought to be aware of the worst social and economic circumstances that can carry on to be more and more perturbed , and work assidiously like planing strategies out,plowing trough failurs meticulously ,and striving for taking the bull by the horns against false Confromism,and foccusing on CROSS-CULTURAL MEDIATION in order to come to grips with succes instead of tangling with each other like creepers.
and i’m confused that it staggers belief and really mindboggling ,when in some islamic countries, we could figure out ETHNO-NATIONALISM and ETHNOCENTRISM as well as some characteristics of exile or what can be called Deportation .
Eventually i have noticed expulsion of some muslims, particularly in some Maghreb Arabe countries which makes me hot under the coller, i’m wondering how can someone be a real moslim since he treats his brothers like a Deported aliens who could be barred from entering the deporting land, area or city and this is what we call ETHNOCENTRISM racial Descrimination in Arabic countries between Anti-arabic ethnicity along with their ENCULTURATION and the fact of being in a cold sweat even with Mixophobia that includes the tendency to demonize others and treat them as deviants from the norm,or repulsion at any contact or mixing with anyone considered different
Well i don’t wanna elbow my way through this pathway of crawd ,and i don’t wanna make a flur fly , rather than entwining around the limb of the tree and mesh with RELIGION AND ETHNIC CONFLICTS in ARABIC COUNTRIES, along with Race and inequality against Muslim individualism in Euorpe for example and how did Neo-feudal adaptation confuse Muslim immigrants to be on tenterhooks i mean out of their depth about Rights and indeed feeling inferior to that of the autochthon!

Written by Faysal.Er

11/05/2013 at Skhirat beach . — in  Skhirat Beach.

And i believe…

Something which i had written when i was mounting up on my road today ! :

And i believe that every man is the architect of his own fortune, so no matter to look askance at green-eye, since eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.
And i believe that every tub must stand on its own bottom,Thus merely by the sweat of my brow that i will stand on my own two Feet!
And i believe that every horse thinks its own pack heaviest,and i’m confident and beyond the shadow of a doubt ,this is the path of coming Into my own along with every walk of life!thus,everything’s humanly possible.
And i believe that everything from soup to nuts will work out all right,even every nook and crany .
And i believe that every cloud has a silver lining,irrefutably i can never break off paddleing my own canoe, eventough when the bottom fell out of my plans,i usually repulse the gloominess from my frentallobe, and i wait in the wings instead,in order to pull out all the stops and never give away, since standing my ground is my way even for every fool things seems to be wrong with my life.


on the edge of my seat with an idea which has been corssing my mind

Well, promptly i’m on the edge of my seat with an idea which has been corssing my mind since 2 days ago, and By no stretch of the imagination, i was designing the cover-book by my own ,and i had chosen the Title of the book, i’m still thinking about the backcover blurb to be honest i have been flinging myself into it ,finally i’m not a wool-gathering and i’m not belonging to cloud-cuckoo-land!so i will inshallah writte my First Novella .Image

I believe

I believe that Nothing is very easy ,or as it appears to be.and i believe that we can neither unring a bel ,nor make an omeletter without breaking eggs,but bitting off more than we can chew,especially the crux of the matter, and with our strong believe in Allah, gonna make all come out in the wash and cross that bridge when we come to it.
